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我们隔周周三晚上 19:00-21:30 在鹿特丹旁边Barendrecht团契。非常欢迎你一同来参加。在团契中可以学到上帝的话语与人生智慧。也会你的家人,生意,工作祷告。愿上帝大大赐福你,使你凡事顺利!
Rotterdam fellowship
We have every other Wednesday evening 19:00-21:30 in Rotterdam Barendrecht a fellowship evening, with a free dinner. You are very welcome to come and join us. In the fellowship you can learn God's Word and the wisdom of life. Also we will pray for your family, business and work. May God bless and prosper you, your business and your family!
海牙同心教会OneLove Chinese International Church
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