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海牙团契的 聚会时间有两个,一是双周周二19:00,二是单周周三晚19:00. 我们会先一同 享用晚餐,晚餐对每个人都是免费的。然后我们会唱歌赞美上帝,共同学习上帝充满智慧的话语。这个团契是职场年轻人和学生们更深寻求上帝以及灵命增长的最合适的团契。





The Hague fellowship


There are two fellowships in the Hague, one is every other Tuesday at 19:00, the other is every other Wednesday at 19:00. We will first have free dinner together prepare by our lovely students. After that we will sing praise to God and study God's wisdom words. It is the best place for  people seeking to discover God or wishing to find a new depth in their spiritual life.


The gatherings are also a chance for youth to develop good friendships and create a sense of community. Whoever wishes can also receive the necessary encouragement to persevere in their spiritual walk through the support of the team members who are always available to listen and to provide Godly counsel.


海牙同心教会OneLove Chinese International Church

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