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代尔夫特团契的时间为隔周周二19:30. 我们会先一同唱诗赞美上帝,然后一同学习圣经。这是最适合希望寻求上帝和灵命成长的职场新人和学生的团契,因为这个团契的重点是用各样方法解开神的话语,使经文能被运用到我们的日常生活中。

Delft fellowship


Delft  Fellowship has meeting every other Tuesday at 19:30. We will first sing praise songs to God and then have bible study together. It is the best place for Young professionals and students who are seeking to discover God or wishing to find a new depth in their spiritual life. Emphasis is therefore given to unpacking the meaning of God’s Word through various teachings which make the Scripture relevant and practical to our everyday lives.




海牙同心教会OneLove Chinese International Church

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